Monday, August 11, 2008

Don't Drink and Run

My training for the Las Vegas Marathon in December is well under way. This past Saturday I ran 14 miles with my team in Long Beach. It was a great run and most of it was along the beach. I also ran into my friend Brian who ran about a mile with me. He was doing 19 miles that day.

Today was a maintenance run of 3 miles. Before the run I drank a whole can of Diet Coke. Bad mistake! I kind of felt gassy and full the whole run. This also made this run a lot slower.

At least I am learning this now and not at the race. No more Diet Coke before running - just water & gatorade.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

all these years at TTES and you don't know to not drink soda before a long run? tsk tsk